Special Program
Moments in Marin History: Familiar Tales and Untold Stories
Wednesday, September 14
5:30 p.m. on the patio outside the Edgewater Room
The Sausalito Library will host a presentation by Scott Fletcher, author of the recently published Moments in Marin History: Familiar Tales and Untold Stories, on the Edgewater Patio outside Sausalito City Hall at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, September 14. Scott's book is a collection of 58 of his 140 "Marin History" articles from the Marin IJ. Sausalito topics covered in the book include Holly Oaks Villa, the Sausalito Flirtation Group, William Richardson, and the Marinship. Scott will also discuss his writing and editing process and show a short video featuring photographs from the book. Signed copies will be available for purchase at the end of the presentation (cash or check only). No RSVP necessary.